Fuji Kimonos

Fuji Kimonos has been around since the mid 1960's when the original owner Frank Hatashita started the company with the end goal to be the best gear that anyone can afford. The name Fuji comes from the Japanese landmark, Mount Fuji and is seen on their tags on every BJJ kimono they put out.

The main staple of Fuji Sports is their Fuji All Around BJJ Gi and has been a favorite among most practitioners not only for it's extremely high quality but also for it's affordable price. The higher end Fuji Sekai bjj uniform is also an excellent choice if you're looking for something a little more fashionable.

Kinji San has a wide variety of Fuji BJJ Gi's to choose from. Choices like their popular All Around BJJ Gi to their Pink Blossom Womens BJJ Gi, all the way to their Camouflage Gi we can meet anyones needs in style or price range.

We also offer Fuji Sports rash guards, shorts, belts, and gloves as well as Fuji Double Weave Judo Kimonos.

Fuji Sports has and still does sponsor some of the arts top stars as well as established legends. Royler Gracie, Ronda Rousey, Igor Gracie are some of their athletes but they also sponsor the Abu Dhabi Combat Club and exclusively produce equipment for them.

Have a look at our selection and please feel free to ask any and all questions you might have regarding the Fuji Sports line.


Fuji All Around Victory Kids Bjj Gi

From $64.95 - $74.95

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