Jiu-Jitsu Gear

Here at Kinji San you will find many top selling well known jiu-jitsu brands.  Brands such as Kingz, Maeda, Tatami Fight Wear, Fuji, Ronin, Atama, Koral, Bull Terrier & Venum are just a handful of brand we offer that are known world wide.  Various gi weights from summer/light/ultra light to double weave are offered.  Most are pre-shrunk which means that minimal shrinkage will happen (less than 1.5%). Majority of the bjj gis we offer are IBJJF regulated.

We also have many gi brand matching bjj belts.  You can check out the Bjj belts page to view or wide selection of jiujitsu belts.

Be sure to check out our Jiu-jitsu No-gi pages - rash guards, spats, & shorts.  There you will find items that are IBJJF approved along with other cool nicely designed Bjj gear.

Ronin Brand

Oni Bushi Bjj Gi - Unbleached


Ronin Brand

Ronin Brand Black Archer Bjj Gi - Samurai II


Ronin Brand

Ronin Brand Blue Archer Bjj Gi - Samurai II


Ronin Brand

Ronin Brand Imperial BJJ Gi - Black Gold Weave


Ronin Brand

Ronin Brand Insignia V2 Jiu-jitsu Gi

From $105.95 - $114.95

Ronin Brand

Ronin Brand Plain Bjj Gi

From $89.95 - $104.95

Ronin Brand

Ronin Emperor Bjj Gi in Navy


Ronin Brand

Ronin Emperor Bjj Gi in White


Ronin Brand

Ronin Lone Wolf Bjj Gi - White


Ronin Brand

Ronin Samurai Ghost Bjj Gi


Ronin Brand

Ronin Samurai Gi

From $139.95 - $145.95

Ronin Brand

Ronin Samurai Gi - Yozora Grey



Samurai Blackout Ghost Bjj Gi


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